Coat of arms of the Russian Federation

Kursk region

Coat of Arms Kursk Region

Each of the parts of our vast country, each region - an integral part of it with its majestic history, traditions, heroes, features and unique nature. Every citizen born in a modern metropolis or in a small village can be proud of their small homeland, carry in the heart a love for their native land and do something to improve it.

The history of Kursk is closely connected with the events that took place in Russia at the time of the formation of its statehood. Chronicles of ancient Rusich, including "The Lay of Igor's Host", are based on the valor of the warrior chicken, who were called "experienced and fearless warriors, who seek fame for their prince and for themselves honor." We will get to know more closely with this region, its rich cultural, historical heritage, diverse nature and amazing talents. Being originally a Russian territory, the Kursk land originates in the VIII century, and the year of the birth of the regional center - Kursk, is considered 1032. The region is located on the Central Russian Plain, bordering Ukraine and three regions: Voronezh, Orel, Lipetsk, In 1934. Experiencing with the country of her tragedy, she was attacked by Tatar-Mongolian tribes, was occupied by the German-fascist invaders.

On the territory of the Kursk region there is the so-called Kursk magnetic anomaly, the discovery of which dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. Several scientists did work on exploration and calculation of geological sections of the seams, but even experimental drilling did not yield results on the design 200 m. It was possible to find iron only in 20-s of the last century by Soviet engineers and geologists. To date, it is the world's largest explored deposit of iron ore in the world.

Each region is famous for its oldest manufacturing manufactories, which include the Glushkovo cloth manufactory, which appeared under Peter the First in 1719. At that time more than 600 people worked on it, and the productivity reached 22 thousand meters of cloth per year. The main customer was the military department, and the quality of the products was recognized as well as foreign. During the Great Patriotic War the enterprise was evacuated, which caused him incredible damage, but retained most of the equipment and materials, helping the country in the fight against the invaders. The factory works and now, having replaced not one proprietor, could, at last, cope with difficulties and continues the development.

The tragic and heroic events of the war could not but be expressed in monuments designed to consolidate in the hearts of compatriots glorious pages of the history of the Russian state. One of these monuments is the memorial complex "Kurskaya Duga". It is dedicated to the events of 1943, one of the turning points of the war. It includes the Triumphal Arch, the monuments to GK Zhukov, the T-34 tank, as well as the Eternal Flame with the hall of the Battle Glory, the Alley of Heroes, the sculpture of St. George the Victorious. It is noteworthy that such kind of memorable places are being created in our time, this complex was opened for visits in 1999. Also in memory of the tragic events in October 1942 a museum-reserve "Big Oak" was created. Then in the village of the same name, all its inhabitants were destroyed by the fascists. And in 2007, Kursk was given the title of "City of Military Glory" and a memorable stela was installed.

The Kursk land is rich in ancient Orthodox monasteries and temples, which number more than 280. One of the most famous and revered is the Cathedral of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign". The monastery originated in the middle of the 11th century, and was finally formed by the 12th century. One of the amazing pages of its history can be called a heroic defense from the invasion of Polish interventionists 1612, when the Kursk land was ruined, and the only fortress that did not obey the enemy was the city fortress of Kursk under the leadership of Yu. I. Tatishchev.

But truly the main wealth of any region is people who, through their achievements, glorify their native land. To such natives-kurans it is possible to carry:

Arnoldi K. P., public figure, educator, founder of the Kucherov Agricultural Technical School;

Бартрама Д. Н., художника, специалиста-декоратора, искусствоведа. Его трудами иллюстрировались сказки А. С. Пушкина, Д. Н. Мамина-Сибиряка, организатор музеев народного творчества, участвовал в создании комиссии по сохранению памятников старины, действительный член Академии Художественных наук;

Nelidov IA, nobleman, governor of Kursk province, the most beautiful manor of Nelidov is a striking architectural monument;

Baryatinsky II - diplomat, public figure, who created a memorial palace of landscape architecture (the estate in Maryino);

Свиридов Г. И. – великий русский композитор, автор более 200 произведений;

Щепкин М. С. – театральный практик и основатель учения театрального реализма, актёр. Кроме того, известны имена писателя Аркадия Гайдара, Николая Полевого, художников Шварца В. Г., Дейнеки А. А., скульптора Клыкова В. М.

Nature itself did not pass over the Kursk land. This is confirmed by the Central Black Earth natural state biosphere reserve. Formed in the middle of 1930-ies, its area is more than 5280 ha. On its territory live almost all representatives of the fauna of the Kursk region, including more than 200 species of birds, dozens of fish, reptiles, amphibians. It includes the Bukreevsky Barma Reserve, which is interesting because the vegetation on its territory has not been glaciated and has relic species of plants in its composition. Another integral part of the biosphere reserve can be called the Cossack steppe, which has not experienced agricultural activity and is the natural environment of many species of large birds, steppe animals and feather grasses.

Everyone who aspires to learn their native country, get acquainted with its history, contemporaries and historical personalities, learn its spiritual and religious traditions, imbue with heroic moments and experience pride in compatriots, will be able to find something interesting in Kursk region to do something for themselves, Then for your country, become a name in its history or follow the example of its great ancestors.

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