Тверь, о которой вы не зналиTver is one of those cities in Russia, which every time must visit. One of the oldest cities in Russia, which already in 1 247 became the center of the Tver principality, washed by three rivers - a place worth visiting. The city, once a center and capital of all Russian lands, and today offers all curious a lot of interesting entertainment. Тверь историческая и Тверь туристическая A modern city is a mass of cozy and themed establishments. In Tver you can drink a good cocktail, order a decent lunch and be surprised by the delights of the hotel service. But all this is possible in other cities and countries. The main thing behind what it is worth to go here is the history of the ancient Russian land, which is still felt here in the elusive silhouettes of ancient churches and stunning nature. In a city with such a rich history, naturally there are a lot of places worth visiting. But if you are not a historian or a fan of archaeological research - it makes sense to dwell on the most significant monuments of Tver: · Imperial Traveling Palace of Catherine II (18 century); · The Church of the Ascension (18-19 century); · Чешский мост (18 век); · поклонный крест на месте взорванного Спасо-Преображенского собора; · Church White Trinity (16 century). Кроме исторических и сакральных памятников стоит пройтись по людному Тверскому проспекту, где бурлит жизнь современного города. Любителей природы Тверь порадует прекрасным ботаническим садом, который можно отыскать в неприметном здании железнодорожного вокзала. No matter how rich the history of this city, local and visiting street art masters turned Tver into a full-fledged part of modern culture. So, lovers of modern art will have something to do here. Что привезти из Твери Тверская область — это место где пред вами не станет проблема, что привезти друзьям и сочувствующим. Начнем по порядку: · Tiny castles. · Тверской лен и изделия из него. · Toys made of wood from clay. · Handmade dolls. · Local beer and tinctures. Avoid places of mass congestion of tourists, and then among the listed souvenirs, you can find really unusual things. Walk, enjoy, and this incredible city will gradually reveal its secrets to you. |
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