Coat of arms of the Russian Federation

Khabarovsk Krai

Coat of Arms Khabarovsk Territory

The Khabarovsk Territory is located on the eastern borders of the Asian part of Russia. The date of formation of the region is 20.10.1938, after the division of the Far Eastern Territory by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR into two separate administrative units - Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krai.


Borders of the Khabarovsk Territory:

In terms of area, Khabarovsk Krai takes the third place in the country - this is 788600 km2.

The eastern borders of the region are washed by the waters Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the north, the Tatar Strait and waters The Sea of ​​Japan in the south-eastern part.

The main part of the territory is represented by mountain reliefs.

The largest mountains and ridges of the province

  • В южной части — Сихотэ — Алинь;
  • Northeast - the ridge of the Suntar - Sayat;
  • North-west - ranges of Ket-Kap and Oleg-Itabyt;
  • The central part - Stanovoi and the ridges of Jagda and Jug-Djir;
  • Запад — хребты Туран, Эзой, Ям-Алинь, и Буреинский.

The Khabarovsk Territory is the most beautiful region of the Russian Federation, with the richest nature and water resources. The number of all rivers of the Khabarovsk Territory exceeds 120 thousand. Also in the territory of the region there are over 58 thousand lakes.


Самая крупная река, протяженность которой по территории края больше полутора тысяч километров — это Амур.

К самым крупным притокам Амура относятся реки:

  • Уссури;
  • Amgun;
  • Бурея;
  • Тунгуска;
  • Ayun.

Large rivers flowing in the Khabarovsk Territory include:

  • May;
  • Urak;
  • Улья;
  • Уда;
  • Uchur;
  • Tumnin;
  • Copy it.

Lakes are represented mainly by small picturesque water bodies, the largest of which are located in the southern part. The largest of these is the Chukchagir lake with an area of ​​366 km2. The second largest major relict lake of the Khabarovsk Territory is Evoron.

In the valley of the Amur there are pripojmenennye lakes, the area of ​​which is more than 100 km2. All ponds are rich in fish and waterfowl, and the shores are inhabited by diverse representatives of the Far Eastern fauna, among them brown bears, reindeer, swans and white-winged eagles.

These are lakes:

  • Hummy;
  • Bologna;
  • Udyl;
  • Чля;
  • Aurelle;
  • Kizi.

In the northern areas there is a large number of glacial lakes. The largest of these is Lake Bolshoy Toko. On the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk there are lagoon lakes, among which the largest are Big, Mukhtel, Tungar.

Despite the rich nature, the population of the region according to 2016 data is only 134552 people - this is even less than 2 person per 1 square kilometer. Such a low density is due to the mountainous terrain, severe climatic conditions in the north of the Khabarovsk Territory, and economic decline after the collapse of the USSR. The bulk of the population is concentrated in the southern regions and in the valley of the Amur and its tributaries.

National composition

Состав населения разнообразен: здесь живет около тридцати национальностей из числа указавших свою национальную принадлежность по переписи 2010 года. Аборигенами Хабаровского края являются:

  • Nanais;
  • Evenki;
  • Ulchi;
  • Nivkhi;
  • Udege;
  • Эвены;
  • Негидальцы;
  • Orochi.
However, the largest group of the population is Russians, then Ukrainians and Tatars. Belorussians, Azerbaijanis and Uzbeks follow them. The culture of the region develops taking into account the traditions and customs of the peoples inhabiting it.

There is a huge number of amateur and professional national teams that have preserved rituals and national customs in their work. Traditions of the northern peoples are reflected in the craft - here are produced items of national clothes of Nanais, Nivkhs, Evenks, as well as a huge number of souvenirs made of fur, wood, bones of marine animals.

In the regional center - Khabarovsk - almost half of the entire population of the region is concentrated: over 611 thousand people. The second largest city is Komsomolsk - on-Amur (more than 251 thousand people).

The cities of the Khabarovsk Territory, whose number is less than 50 thousand and more 10 thousand people:

  • Амурск;
  • Soviet Harbor;
  • Nikolaevsk - on the Amur;
  • Бикин;
  • Ванино;
  • Vyazemsky;
  • Solar;
  • Чегдомын;
  • Эльбан.

The region is rich in fertile lands, on which various agricultural crops are grown. Fishing, reindeer husbandry, livestock - these are the main components of the work of the inhabitants of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The industry of the region is represented by mining, oil refining, forestry, deorvobrabatyvayuschey, pulp and paper, fish industry, ferrous metallurgy, machine building and metalworking. Also, production of building structures and materials was developed. The bulk of industrial enterprises are concentrated in Khabarovsk, as well as in the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Amursk, Sovetskaya Gavan, Nikolayevsk-on-Amur.

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