Coat of arms of the Russian Federation

The Republic of Khakassia

Герб Республика Хакасия

On the territory of South Siberia, to the left of Yenisei, the Republic of Khakassia is located. Its main territory falls on the Khakassko-Minusinsk depression and the Sayano-Altai highlands, part of the area is occupied by large rivers, two belong to the Yenisei basin, it is Abakan and Yenisei, and four to the basin Obi, among them Tom, Chulym, White and Black. Two hydroelectric power stations have been built on the Yenisei, Sayano-Shushenskaya and Mainskaya.

Spring is short, April - May, in summer, in June - July, it is cool, the snow falls already at the end of October. Winters are harsh, the air temperature can drop to - 52 degrees. Snow lasts until April.

Among the nationalities more than 80% are Russian, about 12% Khakass, and slightly more than 1% Germans. There are three big cities, these are Abakan, Sayanogorsk and Chernogorsk.

Растительность Хакасии довольно своеобразная, некоторые виды флоры плохо изучены. Здесь прижились растения высокогорий и таежных лесов, лугов и степей. В горно-таежных районах преобладают темнохвойные деревья, в основном, пихты и кедры. Подлеском служит жимолость, круглолистная береза, серая ива, низкорослая ольха, смородина и багульник болотный. Много брусники и черники. В долинах преобладает береза, ива, ель, встречается кедр и пихта. В высокогорных районах раскинулись альпийские луга, горные тундры и кедровое редколесье. В тундре растут кустарники, травы, среди которых много цветущих растений, и лишайники. В степных районах растет полынь, змееголовник, тимьян, ковыль, мятлик, лук, астры и еще много других видов.

The territory of the Khakass Republic is inhabited by a wide variety of animals, among the mammals are common Dzhungar hamsters, voles, moles, gophers and hares. There are fur-bearing animals, muskrat and mink. There are badgers, shrews, and large predatory animals, such as foxes and lynxes, wolves and gluttons, brown bears. Large horned animals also found shelter in local forests, these are Sayan northern reindeer, Moose, roe deer, deer and musk deer. The world of reptiles is represented by patterned stalks, shield muzzles, vipers and viviparous lizards. From the world of birds, it is possible to distinguish a quail, a gray duck, a shilohvost, a mallard, a crane-belladonna.

In Khakassia there are large reserves of iron ore and molybdenum, gold and coal. There is mining of non-metal minerals, bentonite, barite, facing marble, granite, building materials. Also extracted gypsum, asbestos, jadeite and nephrite.

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