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Росомаха — хищное млекопитающее семейства куньих, единственный представитель рода Gulo (в переводе с латинского «обжора»). Имеются два подвида: Gulo gulo gulo (Евразия) и Gulo gulo luscus (Северная Америка). A major representative of the subfamily Cuni. In size, second only to the sea otter. Body weight 9-18 kg, length 70-86 cm, tail length 18-23 cm. Externally, the wolverine resembles a bear or badger - the body is squat, clumsy; The legs are short, the hind legs are longer than the forelegs, because of which the back of the wolverine is arched curved upward. The head is large, the muzzle is elongated, and has a blunt shape. The tail is not long, very fluffy. The legs of the feet are disproportionately large - 10 cm wide and 9 cm in length, which allows the wolverine to move easily over deep, loose snow. Claws large, hooked. Teeth powerful, have sharp edges. The wolverine's hair is thick, long, rough. Color from light to dark brown. From the base of the tail on the sides of the body to the nape of the neck stretches a wide light gray band ("glue"). Wolverine is of little value, but it is noteworthy that it does not freeze in the cold. ![]() Wolverine is common in the taiga, in the forest-tundra and partly in the tundra of Eurasia and North America. In Western Europe, it was preserved in the north of the Scandinavian Peninsula and in Finland. In Russia, the southern border of its range passes through the Leningrad and Vologda regions and the Perm region; Wide-spread wolverine in Siberia. One of the US states, Michigan, is called "Wolverine state". LifeWolverine - a strong, cautious and at the same time a daring beast, leading a single way of life. Only occasionally, for example, near a large carrion, several individuals can temporarily collect. The Wolverine lair arranges under the twisted roots, in crevices of rocks and other secluded places; To go out at dusk. Unlike most cunts who lead a sedentary life, the wolverine constantly wanders in search of prey on its individual site, occupying up to 1500-2000 km2. Thanks to the powerful paws, long claws and tail, playing the role of a balancer, the wolverine easily climbs trees. Has sharp eyesight, hearing and flair. It makes sounds like fox barking, but more rude. Wolverine is omnivorous. Often eats the remains of the extraction of wolves and bears. Wolverine catches a large number of whites, as well as poultry (black grouse, grouse, etc.) and mouse-shaped rodents. Less likely to hunt large ungulates; Its victims are usually young calves, wounded or sick animals. Can recover prey from other predators (wolves, lynx). Often ravages the hunter's winter quarters and steals prey from traps. In the summer eats bird eggs, larvae of wasps, berries and honey. Catch fish - from wormwood or during spawning; Willingly picks up a sluggish fish. Hunts birds, grabbing them on the ground when they are sleeping or sitting on nests. He is the orderly, destroying the weak and sick animals. ![]() Mating usually occurs between April and July. The male and female stay together only a few weeks. The fertilized egg, however, does not begin to be divided at once. Normal embryonic development begins only after 7-8 months, and approximately after 30-40 days of effective pregnancy, most often in February or March, in sheltered places the female produces from two to four cubs. In 4 weeks they open their eyes and for 10 weeks eat their mother's milk. Then the mother gives them half-digested food. After 3 months, the cubs become adults, but they are with the mother for another 2 year. DomesticationWolverine cubs, taken in nature, very well get used to the person and become completely tame and not spiteful. Wolverines live on average 15-17 years in captivity, in nature around 10. |
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